Sunday, 04th August 2024
Warriors Martial Arts, 2/5 Grasslands Avenue, Craigieburn
Required for participants under 18 years
I, whose signature appears on this entry form, in consideration and as a condition of my acceptance of entry in this tournament hereby waive all and any claim, right or cause of action in which I might otherwise have for or arising out of loss of life or injury, damage or loss of any description whatsoever which I may suffer or sustain in the course of as a consequence upon my entry or participation in this tournament. This waiver, release and discharge shall be and operate separately in favour of all persons, corporations and bodies involved or otherwise in promoting or staging this event and the servants, agents and representatives and officers of them. The committee reserves the right to reject any entry which, in its sole judgement, will be detrimental to the tournament. The organising committee reserves the right to change or remove any competitor from a division where deemed necessary. By clicking 'I accept terms & conditions' I declare I have read and accept the terms and conditions of membership and training with Warriors Martial Arts. I confirm I will be responsible for my own child and acknowledge and understand the risks associated with physical activity.